1.    Send an mail to AA3JC-Joe that you need to have a user account added to TeamTalk 5 on the Mesh. 

a.     Required format:  Username:  “Yourcall-Firstname

b.    Send requested Password: 5-8 characters & 1number

c.     AA3JC will reply back that you have an account to access TeamTalk.


2.    Download TeamTalk 5 from here:  Link to TeamTalk 5 Download site.


3.    Install TeamTalk 5 for Windows or Mac.

a.     TeamTalk 5 can also be downloaded from Google Play for Android.


4.    Be sure your computer is connected to the Mesh Network via a node.


5.    Startup TeamTalk 5


6.    Press F2-Connect, this will launch the “Connect to a Server Window”.

a.     At the bottom left of this window, optional remove the check marks from all but “Include official Servers (Blue ones).

b.    Now start at the top right of window and fill in the fields as follows:


                                                   i.     Host IP-address:

                                                 ii.     TCP port:  10333

                                               iii.     UDP port:  10333

                                               iv.     Username:  yourcall-firstname

                                                  v.     Password:  from email I returned to you, copy and paste as it is case sensitive.

                                               vi.     Nickname:  yourcall-firstname

                                             vii.     Channel:  /     note:  we may create channels/zones in the future but for now / drops you into the open channel.

                                           viii.     Password:  

                                               ix.     Click “Save to Server List”

                                                  x.     Done.

                                               xi.     This will now drop you out to the Server List on the left, find the entry you just created, and click it twice to launch into the server or click once, and follow below.

7.    Now, just above the “Save to Server List” and slightly to the right, you will see a box “Connect” click it.

8.    If everything is ok, you will connect to the Mesh TeamTalk 5 Server.